Monday, April 02, 2007

Another reason to be afraid of juries

Proctor & Gamble sued a group of Amway independent distributors for using the P&G voice mail system to spread a rumor to thousands of customers that Proctor & Gamble's logo is a symbol of the devil. A jury decided Procter & Gamble Co. suffered no damages from devil-worshipping rumors but nonetheless awarded the consumer-products giant $19.25 million by counting the number of company lawyers in the courtroom. In sworn statements, three members of the Utah jury said the full panel unanimously concluded the company had failed to show any lack of sales from the devil worshipping rumor. But the panel wanted to compensate P&G for "out-of-pocket" legal expenses, the three jurors said. So they counted the number of lawyers at P&G's courtroom table and guessed how many hours they worked over a decade of litigation.

Yep, its like making sausage. Makes me want to be a legal vegan. has the full story here.

MSNBC has this story.

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