Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Honorable Emory Widener: RIP

I regret to pass on that the Fourth Circuit's Judge Emory Widener passed away today. I had the pleasure to argue in front of Judge Widener last fall and he was a true gentleman. He will be missed. Judge Widener served on the bench since 1969 and through 1000 volumes of the Federal Reporter.

Many thanks to this distinguished jurist for his years of service. The Fourth Circuit will not be the same without him.


Anonymous said...

That's sad to hear.

I started my clerkship when the "triumvirate," as we called them, were all still alive--Judge Russell, Hall, and Widener. I know Judge Widener dearly missed working with those men.

Anonymous said...

He was more than just a great judge. He was also a great lawyer and a great man. I would not be the lawyer I am today if I had not served as his law clerk for two years.

I once walked into the Western District of Virginia courthouse in Roanoke with him to hear a special case. The man was a rock star in legal circles in that district even 25 years after he went to the Fourth Circuit. It's the end of an era.